Weird Trivia Disclaimer
The massive amounts of useless trivia on this blog have been known to sidetrack readers for prolonged periods and may lead to chronic addiction. The webmaster general advises all users to remember to eat and bathe regularly. Furthermore, webmaster cannot be held responsible for illnesses due to lack of sleep and/or malnutrition and/or muscle atrophy from chronic exposure to the wild and crazy trivia you're about to digest. Reader discretion is advised.
But seriously, welcome to my new useless trivia project. Actually, this trivia blog is an outreach of my main trivia website located in the freebies section of The site features over 1600 useless trivia factoids that I've collected from all over the internet and from my own personal research. Due to lack of time, however, I can't sufficiently promote the site, so I'm migrating all my addictive trivia over here where it's more likely to be found in the blogosphere.
Eventually, this blog will feature over 1600 bits of crazy trivia, oddities and "did you knows?"--the largest assembly of trivia on the internet (so far as I know). Some of it you might have heard before, but a bunch of it will be new to you, since I personally documented it. You'd be amazed at how much astonishing stuff you can find just by scanning through an encyclopedia. Most of it is just run of the mill data, but every once in a while something jumps off the page that gives you that moment of pause where you say to yourself: holy crap, I didn't know that! Like just the other day I read that the only mammal on earth that can't jump is the elephant. Completely useless, I know, but cool nevertheless. (As a sidenote here, did you know that you can also ascertain an elephant's exact height by adding the total circumference of all of its feet!)
Useless trivia never used to be an interest of mine, but I soon found out that it is highly addictive. Once you hit a trivia page, you just can't stop reading. It's really sort of astonishing. And it always leaves you wanting more, which brings me to the real focus of this trivia site.
I'm going to try to get all my trivia over here as fast as I can. In the meantime, feel free to dive in and either get smarter or get stupider from this pointless, yet addictive trivia. (I know stupider isn't not a word, but it beats "dumber" I think.) Whichever it is, I think you'll find that this stuff sticks with you and even enriches your life to some extent. Like just the other day I was talking to somebody trying to fix something using WD-40 (the spray lubricant) and I said: "did you know that stands for water displacement, fortieth attempt?" And there was that moment of pause, that sparkle of enlightenment. My point is that, believe it or not, knowing a lot of useless trivia turns you into an excellent conversationalist.
As a parting note, please feel free to add your own trivia to the site. It might not be new, but you never know. The more the merrier, either way. Again, feel free to check out the trivia main site at to digest the full 1600+ trivia factoid archive if you find you can't satisfy your random trivia addiction while I'm building this blog.
Have fun trivia addicts!
Completely Useless Trivia Lot #1:
Labels: crazy facts, interesting factoids, stupid facts, weird trivia
Not a bad quick read, not certain about the continents though isnt one called Oceania?
KevKeefe said...
October 3, 2008 at 11:44 PM
Vatican City is independent it is completely surrounded by the city of Rome. This home of Roman Catholicism must be seen. It begins on the Tiber River and stretches west.
Anonymous said...
October 23, 2008 at 2:39 AM